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  • Uploader: Rami [ suivre ] 86 souscripteur
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  • Description: This cute blonde sent me a great emailing asking me if I could get her work in the fashion industry. Naturally I told her that I could help her fulfil her dreams. She was studying business economics in Prague, and needed money to

    subsidize her spending habits. The interview took a bit of a strange turn when I started asking her about her personal life. Her main interest involved having babies which I thought was weird for her girl her age. I couldn't get her to shut up about the damn things. It was my baby this my baby that, I mean try and enjoy life before commit yourself to a baby. I started to get a bit worried when she said she didn't need a husband, only the sperm to fertilize her womb. I started wondering if I should even continue with the casting because she was too obsessed with babies. I thought she could be doing this as an elaborate plot to get my sperm off me. So I weighed up my options and did the only sensible thing and put a rubber on my dick. For a change of pace I took her into the bedroom, and after a good bit of fucking she wanted to take the rubber off, promising me that she was on the pill. Stupidly I believed her, and went in bare back. I wasn't thinking straight, I was thinking with my balls, but I believed her.... stupid me. It was only that after I'd spunked up her that she told me she was joking about being on the pill.

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  • Tags:
  • Site Payant:Fake Agent
  • Duree:10:28
  • Nombre de votes totaux:10

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