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London Keyes

(Classement 154) Plus de London Keyes @ her Official Site

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London Keyes
Nom: London Keyes
Alias: London Keys, London Keyes
Date de Naissance: August 18, 1989
Pays de Naisssance: USA
Region: Washington
Taille: 163
Poids: 59
Mensurations: 34D-27-36
Couleur des cheuveux: brown
Couleur des yeux: brown
Origine: asian
Tattoos/Piercings: lower back (sun), wrist (heart), shoulder (swallows), ribs (dragonfly), back of the neck (bow tie) and right side from hip to breast (flowers). piercings in tongue, nose and both nipples (only worn some of the of the time), lower lip twice.
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