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Brandy Aniston

(Classement 396)

75% | 27902 vues

Brandy Aniston
Nom: Brandy Aniston
Alias: Brandi Bryant, Tatum Pierce, Brandi Aniston
Date de Naissance: October 19, 1984
Pays de Naisssance: USA
Region: California
Taille: 163
Poids: 48
Mensurations: 34D-22-34
Couleur des cheuveux: brown
Couleur des yeux: brown
Origine: blanche
Tattoos/Piercings: "karana" with "iii" in the background between shoulderblades; writing on lower back; "carpe diem" inside left elbow; c-shaped symbolinside left wrist; hello kitty outside right forearm; "must i go through hell / to get to heaven" inside right forear and piercings through navel; below lower lip; monroe piercing; right wrist; both nipples.
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